The Cat Returns is a 2002 Japanese animated fantasy film about high school student Haru, who rescues a cat that was about to be run over by a truck. Haru discovers the cat is actually a prince named Lune. Out of gratitude, Lune’s father, the Cat King, asks her to marry Lune.
Haru is brought to the Cat Kingdom, where she starts to develop feline features. When she is prevented from leaving, the Baron and Toto, two statues that have magically been given life, provide assistance in gaining her freedom.
Director: Hiroyuki Morita
Cast (as voiceovers): Anne Hathaway, Peter Boyle, Kristen Bell
Rating: G
Runtime: 1 hour 15mins
Release Date: 2002
Format: DCP
Audio: 7.1 Surround – Dubbed English Audio
Accessibility: Z-Screen subtitles, Audio Description (headphones), Assisted Listening (headphones)
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