Visual art exhibits at TCAN reflect a wide variety of personalities, styles, and media that are viewed by thousands of patrons visiting TCAN each year. Memorable exhibits have featured the talented faculty and students of Walnut Hill School and the Danforth Museum, concert photography by noted Rolling Stone photographer Ron Pownall, paintings and celluloid drawings by Australian animator Ron Campbell (The Beatles Yellow Submarine), and a long list of talented local artists.

Additional Information
- Visual art exhibits are on display in TCAN’s lobby and mainstage performance space, viewable during live performances and regular box office hours. Many artists offer their work for sale, and some host public receptions open to the general public. Exhibits and gallery events will be listed on TCAN’s calendar of community events.
- Visual art exhibits are curated by TCAN staff and volunteers, and local artists are invited to submit their work for consideration. Demand for exhibit space is extremely high with limited slots available.
- The visual arts program is self-supporting and therefore restrictive in resources for support and promotion. We are always looking for volunteers to help with art installations, exhibit promotional material, artist recruitment, and staffing artist receptions. If you are interested in assisting us in supporting visual arts exhibits at TCAN, contact us using the Volunteer form found on this website.