Funds Will Enable Needed Building Repairs and Capital Improvements
In February of 2023, TCAN faced an unexpected capital expense of over $150,000, when two of the three rooftop units providing heat and air conditioning to the facility reached the end of their normal 20-year life cycle. Patrons who attended live performances at TCAN in late winter through the summer months surely noticed the use of temporary heaters and air conditioning units while we waited for the new equipment to arrive in late August.
Unexpectedly, as we searched for capital funding to address this crisis, a family in Weston, MA expressed interest in making a sizable capital donation to TCAN. When we explained our situation, they responded with a surprising proposal that would not only address our immediate capital needs, but also contribute to our long-term sustainability. The result was a transformative gift that will significantly enhance the experience of our patrons and help secure a bright future for TCAN.
We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to our benefactors who have made all of this possible with their generous support. To learn more about what’s ahead for TCAN, what it means to you, and how you can help, visit the page below for more information.